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Mindfulness for 
Anxiety and Depression

"Just being in the moment........"
Mindfulness Workshops Available on Request

Mindfulness for anxiety and depression

This is a skill that has to be learnt and practiced.  By paying attention to the present experience, in a particular way, and on purpose. It is a technique to observe thoughts, sounds, physical sensations, smells and sights that we may usually overlook. It takes practice to teach our minds to behave differently.

For example I might venture into the garden and as I look around, I think “that grass really needs cutting, and that flowerbed needs weeding”.  However, my young daughter observing the same garden, may exclaim excitedly, “Mummy – come and look at this beautiful flower!”  Mindfulness can simply be seeing what we don’t normally notice, because our heads are too full of the future or the past – consumed by thoughts of what needs doing, or scrutinising what we have done.


Being mindful

Exercises our ‘attention muscle’ facilitating mental agility, consequently we can choose what we focus on, rather than allowing our attention to be dominated by distressing thoughts that deprive us of the present moment.

Mindfulness for anxiety and depression concentrates our complete attention to present experiencing, on a moment to moment basis, without judgement, simply being aware of our own experiences with interest and openness.

Solving Problems

Striving to solve problems, our minds try to figure out how to avoid, get rid of or change the problem. This approach is successful with external difficulties, but applying this to unwanted feelings, memories or thoughts creates problems.


Connecting with the present moment

Enables accurate perception of what is happening, allowing us to consider a change of behaviour. We can halt cognitive rumination or runaway thoughts allowing us to engage fully in the present moment.

Noticing our thoughts rather than getting caught up in them, seeing them in a different light, may not get rid of these unwanted intruders, but may reduce the influence they have on unhelpful cognitive processes.

Accepting and opening ourselves up fully to experience, as it really is, and not as our minds say it is. Mindfulness for anxiety and depression offers awareness, another perspective from which we can observe, recognise and accept changes and new experiences.


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